2025 03 27
Https www alamy com local and regional anesthesia with chapters on spinal epidural paravertebral and parasacral analgesia and other applications of local and regional anesthesia to the surgery of the eye ear nose and throat and to dental practice on the masticatory muscles the inferior dental or oblique mandibular foramen in the internalsurface of the ascending ramus permits the passage of the inferiordental nerve which with the inferior dental artery passes forwardin the dental canal of the mandible as far as the mental foramen 558 local anesthesia where it divides into two terminal branches inc image337127118 html (Fájltípus jpg)
Local And Regional Anesthesia With Chapters On Spinal Epidural Paravertebral And Parasacral Analgesia And Other Applications Of Local And Regional Anesthesia To The Surgery Of The Eye Ear Nose And Throat
Https www alamy com the anatomy of the domestic animals veterinary anatomy the mandible 71 glossus muscles on the vertical part the surface is concave and is marked in its lower and posterior art by rough lines for the attachment of the medial pterygoid muscle in front of its middle is the mandibular foramen foramen mandibulare which is the jjosterior orifice of the mandibular canal canalis mandibulae the canal curves downward and passes forward below the cheek teeth opening exter nally at the mental foramen it is continued into the body of the bone as a small canal canalis alveolaris incis image236815015 html (Fájltípus jpg)
The Anatomy Of The Domestic Animals Veterinary Anatomy The Mandible 71 Glossus Muscles On The Vertical Part The Surface Is Concave And Is Marked In Its Lower And Posterior Art
Https www alamy com the anatomy of the domestic animals veterinary anatomy 140 skeleton of the ox six alveoli for the lower cheek teeth the first is quite small and they increase in size from before backward the vertical part is much smaller than in the horse and its posterior border is relatively thin below concae and wider above the mandibular foramen is about in the middle of its medial surface and a groove for coronoid process condyle incisor teeth l angle symphyseal surface fig 136right half op mandible of ox medial view 1 mandibular foramen 2 groove for lingual nerve the lingual ner image232314517 html (Fájltípus jpg)
The Anatomy Of The Domestic Animals Veterinary Anatomy 140 Skeleton Of The Ox Six Alveoli For The Lower Cheek Teeth The First Is Quite Small And They Increase In Size
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